Thursday, December 22, 2011

Launch Party/Info Meeting!--It has begun :)

theVERVEmovement will be hosting a launch part January 5, 2012 to welcome in the new year and get a head start on our project, Limitless. More details to follow, including the company roster for 2012. Stay tuned!!

Monday, December 5, 2011


Due to circumstances beyond our control, theVERVE will not be holding auditions this Friday. We are sorry to disrupt any plans made. Auditions will now be held in the beginning of January. Stay tuned for more info! Have a wonderful and safe holiday break :).

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Attention all DANCERS in Utah/Salt Lake Valley:

theVERVEmovement will be holding auditions for the up and coming benefit concert "Limitless". We are searching for motivated, talented dancers who are passionate about performance and want to use their talents to benefit and improve the world. Audition information is below. Pass the word along and bring all of your dancer friends! We'd love to see you there.

WHEN: Friday, December 9, 2011

1pm-- PERFORMERS; come ready to dance! You will be auditioned in a technique combination and in a        performance combination; potential interview
3 pm-- CHOREOGRAPHERS; bring a choreographic proposal that includes the purpose, title, and description of your dance; have music and movement sample available on request

WHERE: 1137 Richard's Building, BYU Campus